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RecoverMe is a revolutionary gambling addiction behaviour management app. It allows gamblers to manage their urges and develop safer behaviours using Cognitive Behavioural Therapies and other intervention tools. Gamblers can use the app to track their urges, identify triggering circumstances and seek emergency intervention inside and outside the app. This app is available on Apple and Google stores in the UK and will launch in the US in 2021.


Android development

iOS development

Frontend development


  • Industry:
  • Location:
  • Client since:
  • Healthcare
  • UK, USA
  • 2020
RecoverMe mobile app

Project Overview

RecoverMe is the world's first mobile health application that utilises Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to change the user's thoughts and feelings towards gambling, and so, help users curb their addiction.

The application delivers CBT in a variety of interactive ways and allows the users to input their daily gambling activities, as well as urges, to allow for a visual representation of the user's habits.

They approached us to help translate their vision of helping people suffering from a gambling addiction by reaching them where they are active – on their smartphones.

RecoverMe wanted to build a cross-platform application for iOS and Android devices that allows users to:

  • Access cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) sessions 
  • Monitor their progress through the journey
  • Connect with others with a similar addiction
  • Better manage urges to gamble

Project Duration: 45 weeks

Branding and UI

We did accurate market research to understand the market, create our user personas and choose the best design for the RecoverMe app. We wanted the UI to be incredibly easy to understand and navigate, so we used different colours to clearly separate the sections. We wanted to use designs that make the recovery journey feel simple, manageable, and positive. With all this in mind, we built a UI kit that included icons, a logo, buttons, colours and typography.

RecoverMe mobile app

Wireframes and Prototype

During this phase of the project, we created the sitemap and task flow, to help chart out the hierarchy and structure of the app, and to build out the intended flow of a typical RecoverMe user. Based on the structure, we sketched out the screens for all of the anticipated user flows. We added the UI into the designs, and further refined some key screens to improve usability and eliminate anything that was not absolutely necessary for users.


Once we had a better understanding of what the project would entail, we could define our path to development. It was essential to make sure the client and our internal development team were on board with the approach. By understanding each subsequent step —from design to user testing to launch to post-launch — we could execute against specific deadlines and budget constraints.

Working closely with the RecoverMe team, we created a mobile solution for iOS and Android that provides a platform for patients to take control of their gambling addiction.

Gt it on Google Play
Download on the App Store

Tejus Patel, co-founder at RecoverMe

"When we started the project, we scoped out all the work with them. We had a fixed budget as a startup. We had shown them what we expected to be done when the final app is complete. We’re very happy with them. Everyone whom we speak to say they really like the app.”

Tejus Patel, co-founder at RecoverMe

RecoverMe moble app screenshots
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